Friday, August 12, 2011

Did your child lie to you?

How do you respond when you know your child has lied to you? Do you immediately get upset and start yelling, accusing him/her of being dishonest? If, so, does it help the situation any? No. Why? Especially with teenagers, you want to keep the line of communication open, so they feel they can tell you anything. Well, they have their moments when they won't and so do you. We as parents don't tell the truth all the time, so we shouldn't fly off the handle when our children display the same action. Now, they must be taught a lesson. The first is, when you lie and they know you have, you must get that issue corrected and let them witness it. If not, they are going to do as you do, not as you say. Then, bring correction to them. I will confront my children, if it is necessary, but I rather let them convict themselves and come to me. This way, I know they've learned a valuable lesson. I also ask them,"What have you learned from this experience?" Then I just let it go, not holding it against them.