Thursday, November 25, 2010


Many people become more loving, patient, etc. around the holidays. They reach out to loved ones they may not have spoken to in years. They travel the highways, skyways to connect with relatives over a celebration of a FEAST of Food and call it Thanksgiving.

Well some people need this time, because this is the only time we can get some compassion out of them and others just may never feel compassion for others...that's another blog. Anyways, Thanksgiving should mean more than should matter more to you to recognize family and loved ones more often than holidays.

Everyday we also should give thanks, for just the simple things, so we think, but are major, like breath. If we are able to awake to the morning sun, let's be grateful for that and the ability to share time and space with our loved ones who are near..

And for our family that is a distance away that we may never see everyday, let's give thanks that God has allowed them to experience the same essence of life we have. If we're not able to see them...STOP! WAIT A MINUTE! Now thanks to the marvelous invention of the Internet and cell phone we can speak and see the at the same time. So we have no excuses today.

For family members who have passed on, let's not weep, but remember the moments God has allowed us to share with them and be grateful!


There is more stay tuned.

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