Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Asking for Forgiveness!

I've come to find out recently through finally open communication, that someone who I dated was really hurt by me. I had no idea until now. It wasn't that I cheated, but by failing to listen and understand what his needs were as an individual. I felt so bad because this is something he carried with him for many years. The only reason it came up is because I was on a mission to reach out to people who have played an important role in my life to make sure that I was of value to them.

And there, when I thought I was ok with everyone, the truth was presented before me. I asked for forgiveness with no hesitation. I'm not able to change the past, but the healing process began, and n0w we have a new found relationship.

So, what about you? Who have you hurt because you failed to have open communication and just listen?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Focus on the best with your children.

Don't be so hard on your children. Use positive reinforcement to encourage them to do what's right. Just think! Whenever receiving the results from a test, the professor/teacher tells you how many you have wrong, not how many you have right. If a child's score is 98 questions right out of 100 then that should be more of the focus. They should definitely be rewarded, this way they will continue to push for perfection with little stress.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Conquers All!

What do you do when family members betray you? Do you seek secret revenge? Do you approach them outwardly to expose them? Do you blast them on FB or other social media networks? Would any of these or all make you feel better in the end? Probably not. We have to realize first that God gave us family to prepare us for enemies.....LOL

Family consists of people. People + People = Problems....If you can understand this equation, half the battle is won. Now how do you deal with this? Easy, walk in love and endure the cross. If you do confront a family member for the wrong they've done, make sure your intentions are to reason and reconcile. Never approach or confront without a solution, or fuse the fire and not be the one to put it out. Do everything in the spirit of love. They will respect you for that.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tragic Family Death--How do you deal with it?

How do you deal with a young family member who passes on from this life because of someone's stupidity?

At the age of 22, you just feel your whole life is before you. I know for me I had so many ideas and desires, that were just dreams, but I just knew that nothing would stop me from accomplishing those desires.....and so it was with Tiff. At the college age of pre-independence where life is a joy; work, school and having fun goes together for most young people this age. There is the thought of waking up the next day, being one step closer to your desires and dreams being fulfilled.

A lifetime of hope, dreams and aspirations buried with the life that is no more because someone decided to drink and drive. How terrible! How do you deal with it? Well, for her no one ever has to worry about her comings and goings, because she's at total peace and rest from all labor. The sad thing is, she's not able to fulfill her treasure of dreams that had once filled her heart.

It is a time for us through this tragedy, to judge our lives while we are still here and take inventory...have we been walking uprightly in proper morals and values? How do we really see ourselves? Are we living our dreams or just dreaming? How do we treat people? How are we taking advantage of this precious gift (life) that can be taken away and one day will be no more?

Let's not take life or people for granted. Let's love our families better. Forgive openly and move on to a new relationship with the person we maybe upset with. Share quality time with our children. Talk a little less and listen a little more. Help where help is needed...share and care for others. For we don't know the day or hour when our time is no more. And of course, when it is all said and done, would you have said more and done less? Hmmmm....Selah...Stop and Think about it!