Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friends Til the End!

A friend of mine passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected. But sometime prior to this, we had some differences that really disturbed me and apart of me wanted to end the friendship. Now, there was a higher part of me that just wouldn't allow me to do so, and I'm so glad I listened.

I was able to hold on to what was more important, RELATIONSHIP, and this is what "FAMILY GLORY" is all about. I talked to her in her last days, and before she passed there was a peace and tranquility in her voice. Now that I think about it, maybe that was her way of saying goodbye. I also know now that she needed me to talk to, and if I would have held a grudge, I would feel guilty at this moment.

But not today, although my friend has gone away, I'm happy that we maintained our relationship; I HAVE NO REGRETS! THIS IS WHAT "FAMILY GLORY" IS ALL ABOUT!

If you are holding a grudge against someone, LET IT GO, you don't know when they will see you no more. LOVE, EVEN IF IT HURTS---BECAUSE EVENTUALLY IT WILL HEAL!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I can pinpoint the time my children really began to have some rebellion issues, but back then, I just couldn't see what was really going on. The transition of my mom who I took care of for two years and right before that, the separation of me and my husband took a toll on my children. Because I was in my own depressed state, I was of no help to them. The communication wasn't there. It was just, "Do as I say!" That was it.

I didn't make available the proper outlet for them to mourn over the loss of two important people in their lives, really three because I was not open to listen to their cry, and that's when the "DRAMA" began. And trust me we went through the fire until I allowed God to work on me. Then my eyes were open to see why I had such a hard time with them.

Once I put myself in their shoes, I realized that it was my fault. I should have been the listening ear, their pillow to cry on, whatever they needed at their time of grief. This wasn't easy, because I was so trapped in my own grief to see they needed me more.

Today, the healing has taken place and we are not picking up the pieces, but have dealt with those issues of the past and with forgiveness and love, our relationship has been restored. Only God made this happen, once I let go and let Him work in our lives.

Parent's do you owe your children an apology for not being the right example for them; not being the listening ear or the open heart to hear their cry. They do have a voice and should be heard. Keeping a healthy relationship with your children based on unconditional love, open communication and taking quality time to be in their presence, will make all the difference in the world.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Divine Companionship

Divine companionship is a relationship that is heaven sent. Well, what is heaven sent? When someone comes into your life to add not take away, to encourage and not put you down. And with encouragement comes the truth. The truth may not be something you want to hear, but what you need to hear.

Divine companionship is being with someone who will love you unconditionally and not based upon what you can do for them. Don't get me wrong, this is not to say you shouldn't desire to do different things to make the other person happy, but this is not the foundation of a successful relationship.

If people focus on what they can to enhance the life of their significant life partner, neither will feel they are giving too much. Each should always look to be pleasing to the other and never feel they are going out of their way.

Selfishness has no place in a Divine relationship. Why? This brings stress and pain because it sucks the life out of the one who always desire to please! So, check out how you feel when you think of the person who you are now in a relationship with. Also, give yourself a check up from the neck up, because sometimes you maybe the selfish one.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Men Are Seeking UNIty!

I met two men today in my going to and coming from church.

The elderly one I met this morning was having a conversation with a lady about how people of "color" don't stick together like people of other nationalities. In times past when we did come together for a common goal, there were great results. And this too can happen today! Well he mentioned a few things and I was in agreement with, especially regarding people not being committed in a relationship and as soon as hard times hit or trials come their way, someone always bails out. Now this isn't with everybody, but the majority. The blessing in this was he asked to come to church with me and I welcomed him.

The second man was much younger and he was a cab driver. I spoke with for a while. I asked him about his job and he said his only challenge is "safety" for his own protection. It saddened my heart when he mentioned that he doesn't have to worry about people of other nationalities, his worry is protection from his own people, and of course he was of the "colored" persuasion. How terrible is that. His words, "I shouldn't have to worry or be afraid of my own people."


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What is it with some men who don't desire to commit to one woman? If this is the case, just be upfront from the beginning and she knows what to expect. Even if the woman is pressuring you regarding a relationship, you've made it clear and remind her that she agreed to an open friendship.
If she has a problem with that, then you should walk away, because now comes major struggle. And if you don't walk, she should be smart enough to move on.

NOW MEN, If you two agreed on marriage, not just you want her to shut up, but because you truly love her and desire to be and stay committed, then don't drag your feet for three, four, fourteen years LOL. Yes, I've seen a fourteen year relationship that finally resulted in marriage because she was leaving. Well, I say the fool should have done that a LOOOOONG time ago.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Take Care of Family!

What do you do when a family member is sick? You take care of them or get the help they need if it is beyond your control. What I mean is; do the best you can do first, and if their sickness/illness goes beyond your wisdom, then and ONLY then do to seek help.

This is what FAMILY GLORY is all about.
Today, I called one of my sisters (she isn't my biological sister, but my spiritual sister). The voice I heard on the other end wasn't her normal lively voice. As a matter of fact, I could hardly hear her. I immediately went to her home and it took her a while to open the door. But, she did say something, so I wouldn't break in the door to get to her.
Well, she was vomiting and walking slumped over, with a cup a coffee in her one hand and some Midol in the other. You tell me what was the problem with that picture.
Well, as a Holistic Health Counselor, EVERYTHING WAS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE. I immediately took the coffee, threw it out and put the Midol to the side. I don't use prescription or over-the-counter drugs. So, for me to help her, I had to use my "Natural Remedies". I gave her:

1. Warm water with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with a little honey (for taste).
2. Herbal extracts for the blood and energy and to increase oxygen flow.
3. Blended in Rice Milk, pure Coconut Cream Powder and Green Magic Tablets that I use from the Holistic Clinic where I work.
After five minutes, I had her get out of bed and walk around. Then she sat up in the bed and I gave her room temperature water with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar again. Now she is up and getting dressed to go take care of her business for the day. God's remedies work better than any other.