Thursday, April 14, 2011

Have you ever gone out your way for someone to make their birthday special and they complained about what they didn't receive? This just happened to me recently. A family member had a list of what they desired and I bought what was at the top of his list. Not just one item on the list, but SEVEN! I worked extra to have even more of a financial surplus, so I wouldn't miss the money invested in these items.

I even took him out and had him pick what he wanted. After all that, I noticed that he seemed down. So, I asked what was wrong....and why did I ask that question. He began to complain about who didn't give him anything, so on and so forth, but never once did he acknowledge what I did for him. I even talked to him for over two hours to cheer him up, called him the next day to check on him and he still sounded down and out.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. After all I've done, It wasn't appreciated. He focused on what he didn't have, making my gifts seem worthless. I decided to stop calling him for a few days, because he didn't appreciate me nor what I did for him.

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