Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Is and Action!

After working throughout the night with about an hour and a half of rest, I had to assist my Pastor in our Holistic Health Clinic this morning at 9AM, not a normal clinic day. Afterwards I worked on the computer in my office until class at 11AM. The good thing about it, everything is in one place. The class was expected to be one hour, but was actually 2 1/2. At this point my eyes are burning because I need some sleep. Right after class everyone noticed that one of our classmates, who was from Brooklyn (1 hour 1/2 away) wasn't feeling well.

So we gave her some of our natural products from the clinic to help her feel better, but although the process wasn't immediate, she just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. She asked me to call a cab. Now this is from Bloomfield Twp. to Brooklyn which would cost at least $125.00. I just couldn't allow that to happen. I called a friend and we took her right to her doorstep. The blessing in it was we weren't looking for anything and she paid us more than she would have given a taxi driver. The point isn't in the money received, but in the action of love. We would have done it anyway.

Do something for someone not looking for anything in return.

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