Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Does Your Distance make you more distant?

When you grow up and begin your life as an independent young man/woman, don't forget where you came from. Many people, when they get married and start building their own families, forget about the ones who took part in raising them.

Don't allow your distance no matter how far you move away, keep you more distant. If you're not able to travel to visit, then pick up the phone and call every now and then. What gets to me is if you don't live that far away and still "don't have time" to stop by or call. MAKE THE TIME! I have been guilty, but I check myself and do everything to make things right with those who helped my parents raise me (God rest their souls).

The people who have raised us are getting up their in age and need someone to check on them and help them out. The've helped to mold us and shape us, so let's just reach back and give a helping hand/a loving hug of help.

Remember; one day you will get old!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stay in the Present of your Relationship!

Building a life with someone is more than just a relationship (stationary), but relating (flowing). We must realize that our husband/wife or companion is forever changing each day just as we are-that's the mystery. We must relate to relate again each day without really reaching into the archives of the past to attempt and figure him/her out today/in the present. Just look at the word PRESENT-it is always a gift to be opened at that moment. So be excited each moment to open the gift of who the one you love is and you'll never lose.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Mother's Inner Beauty; Inner Strength!

Growing up, I've learned from my mother nurturing beauty from within, by loving who God created me to be. She was a very spiritual woman who was at church every time the doors opened, and she built our family life based upon biblical principles. What stood out to me was her inner beauty that radiated out through her gentle personality and striking sophisticated yet conservative appearance. Even if she was going to a corner store or just to get the mail, she wouldn't step foot out of the home unless she was presentable from head to toe. That I do till this day.
I know my father loved her dearly because of the man, husband and father she helped him to be. Why? He wasn’t always “saved”, but she never gave up on him. Because of her unconditional love for him, he remained faithful to her and she to him until they both departed from this life. As a result of their love, I have 5 real blood siblings whom I love dearly.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As I was growing up, when challenges happened in the home, it stayed in the home. The family and only neighbors that were close to us, if need be, knew the situation and pulled together to be the support system.

Today, many people "air their family's dirty laundry" so to speak. This is terrible. Why? Neighbor's today are just looking for something to gossip about. Or because there is so much jealousy and lack of trust, many are just looking for a downfall in someone's life so they can laugh about it. How sick and sad!

But, it really goes back to family not sticking together. Wives talk about their husbands and children, husbands about their wives and children, etc., to people who can't really help them. And before you know it the whole community and people in the workplace know what's going on, but no one really offers to help!

We need change NOW! Do this analysis. At the end of the day before you lay your head down to sleep, look around you to see who is there with you or who you can really call that will help uplift, counsel and encourage you. Those are the people who will be there for you no matter what. Everyone else, KEEP THEM OUT OF YOUR FAMILY BUSINESS.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

FAMILY GLORY-What does it mean?

Well, I'll tell you what it doesn't mean. It doesn't mean I have the perfect family...let me correct this. I have the perfect family for me. Does this mean that we live on the clouds and everything is perfect? No, not at all.

My family have been through a lot of turmoil, trials, challenges that if I shared, some of you would stop complaining. Where you complain is where you remain anyway, so there's nothing useful coming out of it. Knowing that everything is subject to change gives my family hope to anchor our souls and keep us holding on to each other not allowing the other to let go.

I know that having family is a blessing, but the GLORY comes through the hard times, trials, sticking together when people want to see you fall, fail. But a family's foundation that is rooted in God can never fall or fail, no matter what it looks like. Why? God is a God of family and what God has joined together, I refuse to let people or circumstances destroy.
So we are never down, but always up or getting up (took that one from my mentor)! Love it. And yes he is a part of my Family-My God Father. It is by his love that helps us whenever we are in need. God will give you family, spiritual family that demonstrate prayer, love and support at all times.
FAMILY GLORY IS DEMONSTRATING LOVE AND UNITY even in the press, stress and challenging times not just when everything is "PEACHY"!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Have you ever been betrayed by a family member? How did you feel? How did you react/respond?

Well, I've been betrayed and it nearly destroyed my children and our relationship. I do believe if I wasn't a mother that was and still is faithful to my spiritual development-prayer & study life, my spiritual mentor (Pastor) and ministry, we would have been consumed.

I can say that, the trials are soon to be testimonies and some of them have already. My focus isn't on what I see, but what I desire to see and I thank my creator for it-AND THIS IS THE MAGIC OF TURNING ANY SITUATION AROUND FOR THE GOOD!

I focus my attention on helping others and in return my help comes. It's the law of reciprocity that works even in your adversity to iron it out so you can advance in life. But, we must be open hearted to just see it for what it is...and in all things forgive! Not for the person who has hurt you, but for you so you can remain free of them and the power they attempt to hold over you.

Remember Hurting people Hurt people. Never expect and you will not be disappointed. Just do what is right; for right has it's own reward.



Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Values and Morals are missing today!

Family love is very important to me. What comes with it is family values and morals. Being the youngest of six I learned a lot by watching how my parents interacted with each child individually and the six of us as a whole. But the foundation of learning family love was watching their relationship.

First of all, in my parent's generation they valued relationship-Relationship with God and following His Laws and RELATIONSHIP WITH EACH OTHER. No matter what my parent's went through: challenges, struggles, disagreements, arguments, they vowed -TILL DEATH DO WE PART- and that's exactly what they did. God bless their souls because they both have passed on.

I do believe that if it wasn't for my mother, who was raised in a family whose first priority was Church and everything else came afterwards, our family would have been a mess, scattered, separated, having sibling rivalries/wars against each other. It was her prayers and faith that kept us. I know this because my dad was a hunter and fisherman, who only stepped foot in a church is when someone died.

I say that to say, your foundation is very important for your family to flourish or decay? Anything doesn't go today! Take a look around at our children who are lost. Somethings happened to the foundation. Let's get back to family values and morals based on principles of righteousness.

Familygloryblogger means well!
Your comments are important!
email: www.darleneisradiant@gmail.com