Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As I was growing up, when challenges happened in the home, it stayed in the home. The family and only neighbors that were close to us, if need be, knew the situation and pulled together to be the support system.

Today, many people "air their family's dirty laundry" so to speak. This is terrible. Why? Neighbor's today are just looking for something to gossip about. Or because there is so much jealousy and lack of trust, many are just looking for a downfall in someone's life so they can laugh about it. How sick and sad!

But, it really goes back to family not sticking together. Wives talk about their husbands and children, husbands about their wives and children, etc., to people who can't really help them. And before you know it the whole community and people in the workplace know what's going on, but no one really offers to help!

We need change NOW! Do this analysis. At the end of the day before you lay your head down to sleep, look around you to see who is there with you or who you can really call that will help uplift, counsel and encourage you. Those are the people who will be there for you no matter what. Everyone else, KEEP THEM OUT OF YOUR FAMILY BUSINESS.

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