Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Last night I was in the store with my daughter and as we were at the check-out counter talking there was a man in front of us. For some reason, he turned around look me in the face and continued to pay for his items. At first I thought it strange the way he looked at me, until I realized he was my cousin who I hadn't seen for years. He probably didn't recognize me because it was rainy and I had a hat on with the brim pulled down low right to my eyes.
So I said, "I know that's not my cousin who just looked me in my face and turned around?" He turned back around and stared at me with the facial expression as if he knows me, "but who's child are you in my family?".....saying nothing. I told him my nick name, because that is what he remembers me by, and he stood there still as if he was in shock. So, we embraced and my daughter said, "What cousin is this mom?" This is when it hit me. We have gotten so far away from family that live in towns near, it's a shame.
The sad thing about this is our families grew up together and were very close. His grandmother and my mother are sisters. We always had family gatherings for all occasions and especially on Sundays. But since the older generation that held our family together has passed on, we forgot about what was so important to them, and this should be reestablished.

To top it off, we now live in the same town. So, there is no excuse for us to reacquaint ourselves and family. Both of us have daughters two years apart in age that have never met each other.....WE MUST DO BETTER TO GET OUR FAMILY GLORY BACK. IT BEGINS WITH ME AND YOU.
Is this your situation? Is it now just about what you can get for you and your immediate family forgetting about the extension of family you have? This is a serious problem and the reason many of our people have a struggle growing and prospering. Now, everybody puts their family business out there: on facebook, twitter even on the streets....SAD, SAD, SAD,.....instead of helping each other in times of trails.
What are you going to do to change the atrocity that is taking place withing our families?

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