Thursday, October 21, 2010


How many of you have family or even friends that will be apart of your life no matter what happens. Those who are not just here for the good times, but who will be there for the challenging times, even when trials may come between you and that person. These are the people you celebrate and appreciate.

There are others that will say they are here for you whether it's family or not, but many are in your life for a "conditional means". Meaning if the conditions are convenient for them and they are in agreement with you, they are there. As soon as "the sh.....t hits the fan", many bail out and basically you're on your own. Some even have the nerve to make their way back into your life when the same has happened to them....what I mean is, they remember how good you were to them, when others have let them down.

Ain't that some SH.......T! Excuse my language, but it is real. And many who are sincere and pure hearted people can be so stupid and naive by allowing the same person to repeatedly do the same thing over and over and over again.
I'm saying this because I'm guilty and now sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's time to shed the leaches so I can move forward in life and embrace even the more those who are for me. Take my advise and save yourself some the same. You'll have peace in the end.

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