Saturday, December 25, 2010


*If your home alone, be grateful you're alive.
*Not able to be with your family, be grateful you have family.
*Don't have family, that's not true you wouldn't exist if family didn't create you.
*Didn't get the car you wanted, be grateful for that person who drives you around and especially your legs and feet that carries you to the car.
*Didn't get a gift, but you did and failed to realize, right NOW is the present; your heart beat is a gift you didn't have to ask for, but if you're here, you got it.
*Couldn't give a gift, life is the gift the keeps on giving. Your presence is a gift.

The little things we take for granted are really the BIG THINGS that mean the most and without them....breath, heartbeat.....we wouldn't be here to appreciate the SMALLER THINGS....."CHRISTMAS GIFTS".

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