Thursday, December 9, 2010


When it comes to our children, many times we spoil them because we desire them to have more than we had growing up. I've learned that this can "paralyze" them in using their own actions to go out and work to make their dreams a reality when they get older.

Because we don't teach them that work is the key to productivity, they tend to depend on us for everything, even when they get grow up. Then our eyes are open to what we have created in them....and for me, I have to blame myself. BUT, there comes a time when the giving and helping them out everytime they call must stop and they have to make it on their own.

Tough love is letting go of our children, who are no longer children and allowing them to grow up, by learning what life has to offer on their own. Of course they will make mistakes, but all is a learning experience to do bigger and greater things. Trust the beauty of life to show them the way. They may be upset when you kick them out of the "nest", but will appreciate it in the end when they see they can be all they desire without your help.

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